2. Set up your account
Password Setup
Your initial credentials include your Microsoft corporate email address (alias@microsoft.com) and the TAP provided after the video call (during Step one above). You will now need to set your permanent password.
Step 1: Go to aka.ms/avdmysignins from a browser on a desktop computer, and login with your corporate email address and your TAP .
Step 2: On the left navigation, under Security info, locate Password (preview) and then click Change.
Password guidelines
Your password must be at least eight characters long and contain 3 of the following:
- Upper-case letter(s)
- Lower-case letters
- Numbers
- Symbols (~!@#$%^&*_-+='|(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/)
Your password cannot contain:
- Any previous passwords used at Microsoft
- Part of your name or title
- Sequential numbers or letters (111, 123, aaa, abc, etc.)
- Words